The organizers Janneke Huisman, Karina Sevriens & René Otter are happy to invite you to 9 May seminar:
(Also available via high quality sound and video webinar)

Latest news

Veneeth in Spain

26 & 27 Aug 2024

For more info write to

Seminar Veneeth Sidharthan

9 May 2024

Core analysis and prescribing
according to Hahnemann

Acute and Chronic cases

With an emphasis on "Metabolic syndrome"; "Heart pathology", "Diabetes cases", and "Cough cases similar to Whooping Cough"

9 May 2024

Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands 
Also available as Webinar

Subscribe via the Contact page

(NOKH, NVKH erkende nascholing ) (AVIG, NWP kan op verzoek worden aangevraagd)

New Online Course

Core Analysis II

Check out Dr Veneeth's
Online courses

Times & Location

Seminar location

Vergadercentrum - Kerkstraat 34, Eindhoven (See exact location details below)
For urgent issues you can contact René vias: 0031-(0)40-2521311

Seminar fee 9 May 2024
85 € euro including free drinks and a lunch.
- The price for Webinar participants is the same (contribution for the tech equipment)


From  9.30 - 17.00:
- session 1:   9.30 - 11.00
- break:         11.00 - 11.15
- session 2:  11.15 - 12.45
- break:         12.45 - 13.45 
- session 3:  13.45 - 15.15
- break:         15.15 - 15.30 

- session 4:  15.30 - 17.00 

Lunch and drinks included

The seminar fee is including free drinks and a simple vegetarian lunch.

Limited participants

We have only 35 places on location, so register quickly!
Use the contact page.

Confirmation via payment to our bank account

Register via the contact page.
You will receive an invoice with payment details. Mention the invoice number with your payment.


For questions, please write to René:  See the contact page

Location details

Seminar location is in the Eindhoven city centre 

Kerkstraat 34, Eindhoven,  For urgent calls: 0031-(0)40-2521311

The entrance is at the side of the restaurant, see the photo:
It is between restaurant Déters and restaurant EspaNola.

It is 10 minutes walk from the central railway station.
You can park nearby in the Q-Park-Heuvel, but is 23 euro p/day.
If you want to park free, you need to park about a 10 minutes walk from the seminar location in some residential area, for example here

About Dr Veneeth Sidharthan

After Veneeth's most recent seminar we again received great feedback, and participants expressed a desire to see him back soon. So we are happy to announce again a one day seminar.
About Dr. Veneeth
He has conducted seminars in many countries and his teachings have been received with great enthusiasm. He is a regular speaker at the LIGA congresses, and was a speaker at many other congresses e.g. the Britisch Homeopathic congress (UK), the Mental Heath congress in Bad Kronzen (Germany). 

He is also an advisor for several homeopathic organisations and colleges, e.g.  the LARA institute (rehabilitation for assulted woman) in Berlin (Germany), and the Hahnemann College in London (UK).  He is the Chief Consultant at the CARE Homeopathic Clinic an Research Centre in Engandiyur -Kerala (India). Dr Veneeth sees about 40-60 patients per day, ranging from many acute cases (which need a solution within a few minutes consult) to very complicated chronic cases.


Classical, practical, and "keep it simple"

The homeopathic approach of Dr Veneeth's and Erik Van Woensel's  is pure classical according to Hahnemann.  Dr Veneeth's and Erik's teachings are very practical.
A key phrase of Veneeth is "Keep it simple"

For seminar location and price see the other page: Fee / Location

This seminar is also available as webinar.

Bring your repertory and a materia medica

Veneeth has a lively and very interactive way to teach. You are encouraged to participate actively to analyse the cases, so please bring your repertory (paper or electronic) and a materia medica with you.

A short case of
Pityriasis rubra pilaris

An interview  with
Dr Veneeth Nov 2022

Dr Veneeth about his
Repertory View

A interview winter 2022, covering some questions of seminar particcipants.

A short interview with
Dr Veneeth
















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